Precision thermostats

The ‘Thermal Power Switch’ (TPS) from Matsuo is not a simple bi-metal thermostat, but a high quality and accurate thermal switch. In terms of precision and price, the TPS lies between a bimetal thermostat and an electronic on/off controller.

  • Various models (enclosures)
  • Long lifetime (standard 100.000 cycles)
  • Various contact configurations and operation modes
  • 2A and 5A series. Low current (mA’s) contacts available
  • Various switch tolerances and hysteresis (differentials)
  • ‘High Temp’ models up to +450°C
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Precision thermostat
Model number
Matsuo M2/M3 thermostat
-10°C - +110°C
Rank A: 3,5°C ± 1,5°C
Rank B: 4,5°C ± 1,5°C
Rank C: 6,5°C ± 1,5°C
Rank D: 10°C ± 2°C
250VAC max.
48VDC max.
5A max.
Matsuo M2H thermostat
+110°C - +200°C
15°C ± 5°C
24VDC max.
3A max.
Matsuo M2HA thermostat
+200°C – +380°C
25°C ± 7°C
250VAC max.
50mA max.
Matsuo MQT8K thermostat
-10°C - +110°C
Rank A: 3,5°C ± 1,5°C
Rank B: 4,5°C ± 1,5°C
Rank C: 6,5°C ± 1,5°C
Rank D: 10°C ± 2°C
48VDC max.
2A max.

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